
I have Polycystic Kidney Disease and as some of you folks may know, for a long time I saw my kidney function declining with little hope of finding a donor. Living in the Bay Area meant I was looking at a 6 to 7 year wait on dialysis for a cadaveric donor. I put all my effort into staving off dialysis by embracing the lessons of Dr. Mackenzie Walser, described in his book, Coping With Kidney Disease: a 12-Step Treatment Program to Help You Avoid Dialysis. His very low protein diet with amino acid supplements is a bit extreme but I believe it kept me off dialysis safely for a year and a half until my transplant - all the while my blood tests indicted good albumin nutrition.
Then through our Diane I heard about paired kidney donor exchange.  As you will read in the accompanying article, my wife had wished she could donate a kidney to help, but with incompatible blood types this seemed impossible. Now this has become a real possibility. I followed Diane's lead and on April 27th 2007, through a three-way paired exchange, I received a kidney. My wife is doing very well and my new kidney is working great.
I had a few complications related to my transplant. First my new kidney came with the CMV virus that was treated with a six-month course of Valcyte. I have since learned this can also be treated pre-transplant.
Then one evening, a month following my transplant, I found it difficult to breathe and my pulse was persistently high. I ended up in the emergency room with a diagnosis of a bilateral pulmonary embolism. After I have since been on Coumadin, a blood thinner, that I monitor with an INR meter, a home monitoring machine.  I enjoy world travel and following a long flight from China, I developed a second episode of pulmonary emboli. 
My enormous native PKD kidneys were so huge they were causing problems. This continued to be a problem post-transplant with persistent cyst ruptures.  A year after my new kidney had settled in, I had my natives removed, shedding twenty-five pounds in the space of a few hours. I felt more comfortable than I had in a decade. There were activities that I had not done in years. I could now ride my bicycle again; we could take long hikes together; I was bursting with energy. I am continuing to do very well overall.
We are coming upon the fifth anniversary of my transplant. I’m in full health with all my blood tests back to normal. I became a grandpa recently, something I could not have really counted on some few distant years back. 

PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease Patrick's story
We are  sharing our experiences with PLD Diet, an adjunct diet to consider  trying to complement a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Think  about testing this only with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it, according to your own uniqueness by adding to your current  treatment.

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